RWT Logo Real-World Technology Ltd
The UK's Set-Top Box Tuner Specialist

Important Note (January 2003) : This Website represents the company's status in 1999/2000, and is long overdue for an update. We now have a large number of new tuner designs and clients, and haven't had time to revise the publicity! Please contact us for details of our current offerings.
RWTDM-2120, 8 MHz 2k/8k DVB-T Tuner/NIM RWTDM-2120, 8 MHz 2k/8k DVB-T Tuner/NIM
Digital Terrestrial TV Tuners, VHF/UHF 2k/8k DVB-T
   Complete DTT front-end ('NIM') solution, UHF to MPEG TS,
incorporating the new Oak Technology OTI-7000 chip
Our new alignment-free module production-ready design gives you all you need to bring DVB-T to your existing MPEG set-top box. Save on component cost and time-to-market! Ideal also for PCMCIA 'sidecar' modules, IDTVs, VCRs and PC cards
6 MHz (Latin America) and 7 MHz (Australia) versions also available

RWTDM-2011, conventional design RWTDM-2051, zero-IF NIM RWTUN-2050, zero-IF tuner
Digital Satellite Tuners, DVB-S, 1 - 45 MS/s
Smallest-ever satellite tuner DCR (zero-IF) NIM and tuner designs available
Need a complete front end (NIM)? We can integrate our tuner with your channel receiver chip

provisional image - cable tuner is smaller, with 'F' connectors
   (provisional image -- cable tuner has 'F' connectors)
DVB-C / MCNS Compliant CATV Tuner
for Set-Top Box or Cable Modem

We can now also offer designs for a digital cable tuner to DVB-C
or other specifications, for modulation schemes up to 256-QAM.
This has a lower parts count than our DVB-T tuners, resulting in
a BoM cost saving of more than $2.00. Specification coming soon.

RWT designs tuners which need no alignment.

They're production-ready designs, simple in concept and assembly and with
a performance margin so tolerant of manufacturing spreads that they can be
assembled without risk on your own set-top box production line, either as
a daughter module or fully integrated into your DSTB motherboard layout.

Don't ask us to quote for delivery of production volumes - we don't do that!
RWT is not a manufacturer or supplier.

If you wish to use our designs you must enter a licensing agreement with us -
we will then customise one of our designs for you, if necessary, and provide
you with full manufacturing data to enable you to start in-house production.
If your volumes justify it, this will give you a decisive cost, performance and
flexibility advantage over the conventional route of buying-in the tuner pack.

New pages - read more about:

DVB logoOur company and clients
RWT's licensing philosophy
The new DTT (DVB-T) tuner
Our range of satellite tuners
Integrated satellite front ends

The Museum - other pages on the RWT site:
(some of these are embarrassingly overdue for updating - we've been too busy designing tuners!):

Images of RWT tuners over the years
RWT and the early days of TVRO (before DBS or DTH!)
RWT press release from 1996 (1)
RWT press release from 1996 (2)
RWT's famous dish size charts
Analogue tuner specification issues
A page of broken links from three years back!

Important Note - just in case you missed the point (some do!):

To those who might be inclined to ask us to quote for supply of tuners or satellite receivers, we must point out that RWT is not a manufacturer. We do not compete directly with tuner specialists like Sharp or Alps -- if you want small volumes (less than 100k) of this type of product we suggest you contact these or similar companies -- it will be more cost-effective for you.

All RWT designs are created for high-volume manufacturers of set-top boxes and similar equipment. We license them (that means you!) to build the product to our design (rather than buying tuners from outside) and they reap the cost advantage in doing so. But it only works if you play big!

Contact us:

Visit our guest pages: Pete Atkin, Julie Covington
Latest update September 15 1999. All images and data Copyright © 1996-1999 Real-World Technology Ltd.